
chinese restaurant fivem

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chinese restaurant fivem place multiple objects at a single location in your game world. This can be useful for creating furniture sets, decorating items, or even entire buildings.
A few different ways exist to create a Chinese restaurant MLO in FiveM.

Location v3(-150.7649, 288.4373, 97.8386, 6.7133) 

chinese restaurant fivem place multiple objects at a single location in your game world. This can be useful for creating furniture sets, decorating items, or even entire buildings.
A few different ways exist to create a Chinese restaurant MLO in FiveM.

One popular method is to use a 3D modeling program like Blender or Maya to create the individual objects that make up the Restaurant, such as tables, chairs, booths, and decorations. Once you have completed your things, you can export them as a single MLO file and import them into your FiveM server.
Another way to create a Chinese restaurant MLO is to use a pre-made asset from the FiveM community. There are several websites and forums where you can find free and paid MLOs, including many for Chinese restaurants. This is an excellent option if you’re uncomfortable creating your MLOs.
Once you have your MLO, could you place it in your game world? You can do this using the FiveM map editor or adding a line to your server—cfg file. Once the MLO is in place, you can add any objects or scripts you want to use to make your Restaurant come to life.

Location v3(-150.7649, 288.4373, 97.8386, 6.7133) 

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Need help?

I sincerely hope that this guide has clarified any issues you may have had about but if any of the steps weren’t  apparent to you can find a more thorough explanation of each one by using the bottom menu on this page (or the bottom of the contact if you’re on it).If you want any good scripts for this Mlo, then you can visit this Fivem Script Store


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